30,000 canadians petition for iphone rate relief

Wrong with Rogers’ rate plan?

For just one factor, it arrives with an important 3-year contract. Within the U.K., O2 provides an-18 month contract and throws within the iPhone free of charge. And even though both AT&T (t) and Rogers offer calling, data and texting for $75 per month, Rogers at this cost gives Canadians another less calling time, half as numerous texts, and puts a 750 MB cap on 3G data usage — with steep charges for users who review their monthly limit.

It’s this last element which has struck Canadian Apple fans since many not reasonable. Among the features which makes the iPhone very popular is when easy it can make websurfing and multimedia downloads — activities that may rapidly accrue the megabytes. This is exactly why heavy users usually pay extra for limitless data usage.

Rogers claims that it is top data plan — 2 GB monthly for $115 — is sufficient to download 16,000 webpages. But users explain that the single Facebook page can take into account 1.2 MB, which reduces browsing from 16,000 pages monthly to at least one,600.

"It’s like they are deliberately driving customers away," authored wolfscribe on CBCnews. " I’ll keep my money, ride the contract to check out a brand new provider."

Rogers has limitless data through Wi-Fi sites, also it defends its prices on 3G data as consumer friendly. "Limitless plans could finish up costing customers more for which they do not use," argues a spokeswoman. "Our iPhone plans greater than accommodate most customers." (link)

Petitioners are asking Jobs to pressure Rogers to provide a better plan — or cut an offer with another provider who’ll.

[UPDATE: By Monday 9PM, ruinediphone.com is not responding, an improvement prone to spawn a variety of Rogers Communications conspiracy theories. The website had reported collected greater than 20,000 signatures before it went lower.]

[UPDATE 2: The website has returned up (DNR problems, we hear, not corporate censorship) coupled with collected greater than 30,000 signatures by Thursday noon. Meanwhile, Ernst & Youthful has witnessed fit to mention Ted Rogers, Chief executive officer of Rogers Communications, its 2008 "Entrepreneur of the season.Inch The award will be provided in a banquet in October. You are able to write your personal punchline within the comment stream.]

Underneath the fold: Rogers’ iPhone rates.

Resourse: http://fortune.com/2008/06/29/30000-canadians-petition-for-iphone-rate-relief/